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How to open multiple links just in one click

After googling search the code that could open multiple links and I found it. Let's check it out.

Put the following code at tag <head> </head>:

<script type="text/javascript">
function open_win() {"")"")"http://url3.comm")"")

The next, put the following code at <body> </body>:

<input type=button value="Cee Lok Baa" onclick="open_win()">

Save. That's all. Now you can modify it.

Tips Meningkatkan Traffic Blog

1. Daftarkan alamat blog kamu pada sejumlah Search Engine. Dengan demikian alamat blog kamu akan tersebar di mana-mana dan mudah untuk dicari, tidak hanya untuk wilayah Indonesia saja, tetapi mendunia.

2. Rajin ikut forum dan berbagi alamat blog. Diutamakan pada forum yang berkaitan dengan konten blog kamu. Misal blog kamu tentang komputer, maka kamu bisa cari forum tentang komputer dengan mencarinya di google. Ikuti juga forum asing dan kamu harus mahir berbahasa Inggris.

3. Rajin blogwalking. Kalau perlu kamu punya daftar alamat blog yang kamu catat dan melakukan blogwalking ke 20 blog perhari. Jika kamu memang serius ingin meningkatkan traffic blog kamu tentu harus punya catatan yang jelas blog siapa yang harus disinggahi, dan seterusnya dikembangkan.

4. Sediakan produk/jasa andalan di blog kamu. Seandainya kamu tidak mahir untuk membuat konten sebagus mungkin, setidaknya kamu punya produk/jasa andalan dalam blog kamu, dan produk tersebut tidak mesti berbentuk barang, informasi yang bagus saja sudah bisa menguntungkan pengunjung. Ibarat sebuah perusahaan, dari sekian produk pasti ada produk andalan dan itu yang paling ditonjolkan dan dipromosikan.

5. Gunakan kata kunci atau keyword yang punya nilai jual. Kamu bisa googling kata kunci atau keyword apa saja yang mempunyai daya saing yang sedang, selanjutnya kamu bisa update blog kamu dengan konten-konten tersebut.

Sekian tips dari saya. Terima kasih sudah mau membaca, dan sewaktu-waktu post saya yang satu ini bisa saja mengalami perkembangan dan penambahan. Good luck!

Executes or Calling Programs with timer via Batch Line

After I search how to execute some programs with timer via batch line on google, finally I found it and here's the code I make it simple:

ping -n 60>nul

You can make it as batch file. From the code above, the number "60" means that 60 seconds. It needs 60 seconds to execute calculator after you click the batch file. You can change it into 120 for 2 minutes, and so on.

Easy Way to Parse HTML for Bloggers

An easy way to parse HTML for bloggers, please enter, convert your HTML code on that site, then paste into your template code. It's easy huh?

Create an Inline Frame (Iframe)

Iframe or Inline frame is a floating frame which sits within a web page document. The content is an external web document that is put inside the floating frame.

To create an iframe on your page, create a new HTML file and add some text then save it as yourpage.html. And then create one more new HTML file and then add the code below within the <BODY> </BODY> tags and name it as inlineframe.html:

<iframe src="inlineframe.html" width="200" height="200" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" name="myInlineFrame"></iframe>

If you've done it, try to open yourpage.html. This will place inlineframe.html inside the floating frame, within yourpage.html. For width and height, you can change it into a number you want.

Calling Firefox with URLs via Batch Line

Sometimes it is useful to call firefox with some URLs, maybe for business or maximizing the traffic purpose, or some else. Here's the code, you can make it as a BAT file by copy it into notepad and then save it as .BAT file.

"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe"

The code above is an example to call firefox and it automatically opens google, gmail, yahoo, and my blog. After you edit and make it as a .BAT file, for example named as OPEN.BAT, just with one click it opens those URLs.

Make a Web Page Auto Refresh

Here is the code to make your web page or blog automatically refresh. Put it within <HEAD> </HEAD> section.


"10" means that the code will refresh every ten seconds. If you want the page to refresh more or less frequently, replace "10" with the number you want.

Then, don't forget to save. Your web page will now automatically refresh every ten seconds. It's simple, right?